Duration – 6 Months | Region – Germany

A major German travel and logistic company redesigned its payment transactions completely. This redesign was part of the distribution channels’ restructuring process of the IT-infrastructure within the group. The selection and implementation of a payment gateway to standardise payment transaction interfaces formed part of this task. Within the context of an EU-tendering procedure, SHC significantly supported this tendering.

Project Team SHC


Most important tasks of SHC in the project

  • Analysis of the payment transaction processes of different distribution channels (Online App, Offline, MoTo, “Corporate Sales”, etc) to the status quo
  • Support in defining the requirements for a payment gateway
  • Development of an RFP consisting of common and conceptual requirements and costs, including the development of a requirement, assessment, and evaluation matrix
  • Support of the merchant in the implementation of the processes for the EU-tendering procedure, including support in the development of an RFI, in the provider briefings and in project management
  • Implementation of the three phases of tendering, including the proposal request and corresponding evaluation within the set evaluation matrix
  • Development of management summaries of all offers and preparation of negotiation rounds, including consultancy on technical requirements and dedicated cost analysis
  • Technical advice and support within the negotiation rounds
  • Assistance in selecting an appropriate provider and in finding reasons for rejections in the context of the EU tendering procedure
  • Functional support of the agile SCRUM development team
  • Development and fine-tuning for the implementation at the levels of Epics, features and user stories
  • Expert advice in dealing with the selected payment gateway provider
  • Conceptual development for the subproject (prevention), which affects the merging of prevention mechanisms of the merchant and those of the payment gateway provider

The most important results

  • Development of the tendering documents on schedule and in agreed quality
  • Execution of a smooth EU tendering within 6 months
  • Support in realising first increments within the implementation