What is SCA?

We are proud to announce that we have published an article on Paymentandbanking.com. With regular podcasts and publications on FinTechs and everything that’s happening in the financial sector, Paymentandbanking.com has been named the best financial blog in Germany. And we at SHC are very happy about this cooperation.

The article, “Was Sie schon immer über “SCA Strong Customer Authentication” wissen wollten,… aber sich nie trauten zu fragen” (en: “What you always wanted to know about “SCA Strong Customer Authentication”,… but never dared to ask,”) was written by our consultant Markus Drespling. The article shows what lies behind the terms SCA, 2FA, RTS and others. For clarification two infographics are taken to the hand. In addition, it is discussed to what extent and when the strong customer authentication qua PSD II affects us all.

Sounds interesting? Have fun reading this article!

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